Saturday, June 29, 2013

A 30th Birthday Celebration in Kirkland, WA

Beautiful people - welcome to my blog - can't believe Summer is here already.

Seattle is one of the most beautiful places in the summer :) Longer days, endurable sunshine and lots of weddings and events.  Birthday Celebrations are awesome - especially milestone birthdays. 
FAB Event had the pleasure of planning, coordinating and hosting a 30th Birthday Celebration in May.
My client who happens to be my best friend decided five days before his birthday that he wanted to have a birthday party with loved ones.   He shared his vision and budget with me and I got to work right away.

Here was my planning week:

Monday - Visited three restaurants with private rooms in Kirkland. All things considered, all three places seemed very ideal and cozy.  Since I had very limited time, I made a decision and secured the venue.

Tuesday - Researched cake vendors in the area, read reviews and called a couple of places for pricing, flavors etc....Hoffman's fine cake and pastries was a hit and I had no regrets. My client is an avid soccer fan/player so a soccer themed cake sounded perfect. 
I had some room in the budget to secure a local photographer for a couple of hours. Thank goodness she was able to come down early enough to capture the table design.

Wednesday - I wanted to put my table setting/center piece skill to work to save cost so I went to Dollar Tree to pick up some vases.  Then I headed to the flower section of a local grocery store to secure some hydrangeas for Friday. Fresh flowers are so pretty but can be so expensive.  I could have saved more if I had enough time to visit a farmers market. 

Thursday - Finalized details - picked up giveaways from the mall and grocery stores; confirmed number of guests, researched games to keep guests entertained.  Since the location had a flat screen TV, I even had time to collect pictures of my client with his friends and familes for a slideshow.  I love my job!!

Friday Afternoon (The day) - Picked up flowers and got the centerpieces ready, Picked up cake and headed to the venue two hours early to set up, decorate and order starters for guests to munch before dinner.

It was a very successful celebration -  Birthday Big Boy, loved ones and friends were pleased, I'll let the pictures speak of the rest........

Have a FAB weekend